dijous, 26 de febrer del 2009


Search what procaryotic and eucaryotic cells have in common.
· Both have the same genetic material
· Both are covered by a cell membrane.
· Both contain RNA.
· Both are made from the same basic chemicals: carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acid,

minerals, fats and vitamins.
· Both have ribosomes (the structures on which proteins are made).
· Both regulate the flow of the nutrients and wastes that enter and leave them.
· Both have similar basic metabolism (life processes) like photosynthesis and reproduction.
· Both require a supply of energy.
· Both are highly regulated by elaborate sensing systems ("chemical noses”) that make them

aware of the reactions within them and the environment around them.

What are the differences?
·Eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus, bound by a double membrane. Prokaryotic cells have no
·Eukaryotic DNA is linear; prokaryotic DNA is circular (it has no ends).
·Both cell types have many, many ribosomes, but the ribosomes of the eukaryotic cells are larger and more complex than those of the prokaryotic cell.
·The cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells is filled with a large, complex collection of organelles, many of them enclosed in their own membranes; the prokaryotic cell contains no membrane-bound organelles which are independent of the plasma membrane.